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Focus on sustainability: innovative seating systems with green steel and lightweight construction.

As a company specialising in the manufacture of seats, we have a particular responsibility for the sustainable use of raw materials. We are continuously optimising our processes and will use ‘green steel’, a more environmentally friendly alternative to conventional steel, for the production of our products in the future. We are also focussing on lightweight components that not only require fewer raw materials, but are also often made from recyclable materials. Thanks to their low weight, less energy is consumed during transport, which reduces CO2 emissions. Our durable seating systems have a modular design and can be easily replaced if necessary.

For the AUNDE Group, sustainability is a priority at all levels of the corporation.

Rolf A. Königs, CEO AUNDE Group Worldwide

Our Ambition, Our Certifications

The scope of our integrated management system includes all the plants of the brands AUNDE, ISRINGHAUSEN and FEHRER.


  • IATF 16949:2016 Quality Management System-Standards in the Automotive Industry
  • ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System ISO
  • ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System


  • ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System
  • ISO 50001:2018 Energy Management System


If you would like to learn more about our certificates, please contact our groupwide IMS Team by email: 


Read our Sustainability Report

Extract AUNDE Group Sustainability Targets

Area Objective How KPI Actual Status 12/2022 Status 12/2023 Target 2024 Long-term Target
Sustainable Corporate Governance We increase the maturity level for sustainability in the Group Integrate sustainability requirements into the IMS and implement them at the locations Number of certificates to ZNU Standard 2 ZNU certificates Implementation start 2 3 ZNU certificates Target oriented expansion of ZNU certification; certify additional locations
Environment We protect our climate and improve our CO2e balance Systematically eliminate CO2e for Scope 1-3 whereby we emphasize on the principle of avoidance, consider technical solutions, and try to avoid compensation Locations CO2e neutral in % 0%
Implementation start One overarching roadmap for AUNDE Group Concretize CO2e roadmap; Set baseline and SBTI targets; Derive investment plan •Carbon-neutral by 2039 •Roadmaps (Scope1/2) for all AUNDE Group sites •Comprehensive recording of Scope 3 emissions in 2026
Economy We raise standards in the supply chain Define requirements of the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains (LkSG), communicate and ensure implementation in the supply chain Feedback by suppliers to Supplier Code of Conduct % 54% Feedback
Implementation start 54% 100 percent feedback of direct suppliers Continuously improve supplier performance & compliance
Social Responsibility We continuously improve occupational safety for our employees Categorize and prioritize locations according to risk levels and systematically improve occupational safety Accidents per thousand employees related to risk level
Risk-Level 1:
< 5
Risk-Level 2:
Risk-Level 3:
Risk-Level 4:
Risk-Level 5:
Risk-Level 6:
Number of locations per RL
RL1 - #24
RL2 - #5
RL3 - #6
RL4 - #4
RL5 - #8
RL6 - #23
19,0 23,8% Improve locations with risk level 6 by at least one RL •No accidents at work! •By 2030: < 10